SHS band members practice their show “Songbird” for the UIL area Denton Contest.
The band finally qualified for area finals after 8 years. Band directors and students are hoping that their performance is good enough to wow the judges, so the students can advance to state. Unfortunately, the band was only able to make it to area finals before they were cut from the competition.
On Nov. 2, 2024 the band was attending a competition at Denton, Tx against many schools. Each one of the bands had a unique style or sound to them. SHS band members were getting worried. They weren’t sure if they stood a chance against everyone else. Each and everyone of them were determined to change that losing streak.
“That really was one of our best performances,” band member Maddi Blackwell said. “Everyone was just so focused, and it was incredible how we all came together.”
But before the students were ready to perform at such an important event, they all had to practice, practice, practice! Since the band members were only able to work on two routines a month prior to the competition, they really had to put in the time and effort. Everyday the band would go out on our field in the morning at 5 a.m. and learn a new section of the steps and the music.
“It really is a physically demanding and time consuming process,” section leader Cielo Puerta said. “But it’s a wonderful experience, and I enjoyed every part of it.”
When the band was finally at the competition, they practiced one last time. This was it. It was the last practice before marching on that field. Some students felt nervous, others felt excited, and some were just happy to get it over with. Then, before they knew it, the school’s name was called to go next.
“It may sound odd, but when I was marching, I just turned my brain off,” Blackwell said. “I think that by this point, the show was just second nature to all of us, so it was easier for me to focus if my mind was blank.”
Weeks of practice and it was all over just like that: The show didn’t last long; it was around five or ten minutes. Now all they had to do was wait for the results. After their first show ended, the band directors made sure to tell the students how good they did and not long after that, they all had their lunch break.
“I think that waiting for the results was more nerve wracking than actually performing!” Puerta said.
When the students were all settled back in their seats and it was time for the results to be announced, the wait was unbearable! Finally, the announcer said that Stephenville had advanced to area finals and would soon perform again for a chance to advance to state. Everyone was in shock. Students started cheering and yelling out of happiness, and students even cried because they knew that all their hard work paid off.
“I was so astonished when they called out the school’s name; it was unreal,” Blackwell said.
The students were soon back out on the field. But after watching all of the other bands who also advanced, they weren’t feeling very confident anymore. Each band had different moves and very unique visuals. Not to mention, they also sounded very loud.
“At this point I wasn’t sure how to feel,” Puerta said. “Everyone was tired and just wanted to go home.”
When it was announced which schools would advance to state, Stephenville’s name was not called. After the announcement was made, most students were sad, but some were relieved that the show was finally over. Everybody knew that they tried their hardest and because of that they weren’t so sad. They were just grateful to have finally broken the cycle of not making it to area finals.
“Sure we didn’t make it to state, but that doesn’t mean we won’t keep trying,” Blackwell said. “A loss doesn’t mean much when you have the courage to try again.”
(This article is part 2 of an in-depth news/feature-Read Part 1 titled Starting with Passion and Ending with Encouragement: Band Director inspires new generation of students) https://shsthechampionsjournal.net/12871/features/from-playing-saxophone-as-a-student-to-becoming-band-director-as-an-adult/