Bulletin Board
January 30, 2017
Bulletin Board
- March (book) Madness is happening in the library! Come vote on which book will win the SHS favorite book of the Year!
- Early release for Spring Break Friday, March 10th at 1:40 pm!
- Spring Blood Drive- Taking place March 20,2017, from 9:30-3:00. Sign up Sheet in the Nurse’s Office. Seniors- Carter Blood Care has changed the red cord requirement back to the previous requirements, 2 units in your senior year.
- SHS prom forms are available to pick up in the office. If you are planning on bringing a date to the prom that does not attend SHS, you must get one of this forms. They must be turned back into the main office by Wednesday, March 29th.
- The SHS prom will be held on Saturday, April 1st at 8:00 p.m at The N at Hardway Ranch on the Bluffdale highway. The dress code for boys will be a tux, suit, or nice pants with dress shirt. Guys will need to wear either dress shoes or nice boots. Shorts and or t-shirts will not be permitted. Girls will need to wear dresses that are not revealing. Dresses may not be two piece and midriff must be completely cover. Girls may also choose to wear nice pants suits as well. All other dress code rules apply ( no facing jewelry, exposed tattoo, ect. Boys need to be clean shaven.
- Also, if you are planning on bringing a date to the prom that does not attend SHS, you will need to get a form from the office. This form must be completed fully and turned in to the office by Wednesday, March 29th.
Coach Butchee • Feb 9, 2017 at 8:40 am
Hey iChampions Journal Staff,
I didn’t know where to post this so I figured I would put it on your “bulletin board”. The site looks great! Ya’ll have done a heck of a job, can’t wait to see what’s next. Congratulations!
Coach Butchee