Soccer player finds a new home in newspaper class

Senior Emilee Gurrola, reminisces about playing soccer as she stares at a photograph taken during her sport career. It was turned upside down in a few seconds. “ I thought I would be playing sports till senior year but life took a turn.”

Gracelyn Geijsel, Reporter

   As the girl threw the ball in, her teammate jumped back and tripped. The referee tumbled andfell on her knee. She lay there screaming in pain. She was crying and holding her knee aspeople surrounded her.   “One minute I was standing up, and the next thing I knew I was on the ground,” Senior Emilee Gurrola said.     Emilee started playing sports in junior high and loved it. Then during that fateful soccer game, a sudden impact from the referee turned into a doctor visit. Then, given the news that she stunted her growth plate, everything changed.   “Finding out sports wasn’t an option anymore, I then began trying to find another interest to do,” Emilee said.   As Emilee  was entering high school, she began to look at different class opportunities.   “A thought went through my mind that I wanted to do photography,” Emilee said.   So in order to learn photography, Emilee chose to take newspaper class and hone her skills.   “I had never taken any type of photography lessons before, so I thought that taking pictures forthe newspaper would help me get to know to go about doing that,” Emilee said.   Whenever people join newspaper they usually want to do photography because it’s usually thesimplest task to do.   “When I got to class everyone wanted to do photography and I was intimidated byit and changed my mind,”  Emilee said,    Knowing photography is popular, you always have different options and many opportunities.   “I found out about copy editing and editorial writing, and I decided I wanted to focus on that,”Emilee said.   Copy editing is the step in the editing process that typically occurs after the first draft.
Editorial Writing  is an article that presents the newspaper’s opinion on an issue.“I’m really happy with my decision of not doing photography because copy editing has reallyhelped me when it comes to taking higher level tests, and editorial writing lets me express myopinions,” Emilee said.
  Now graduating with skills in copy editing and editorial writing,  Emilee is able to bring her skills tocollege and have a better opportunity when working at a job. Joining newspaper class helpedher achieve her goals.
  “Who knew that a soccer injury would lead to helping me obtain my goals for the future,” Emilee said.