Freshman loses dad to coronavirus

Zayra Angeles, Reporter

    Tears streaming down her face, she holds her dad’s hand as the ambulance rushes to the house not knowing it would be the last time. She prayed while the paramedics worked frantically to get a heartbeat. Her whole life was about to change because of this thing called the coronavirus.

 “I had no idea that morning I would lose the most important person in my life,” she said. 

   Freshman Yadira Angeles’ dad, Juan Carlos Angeles, found out he was positive for COVID-19 on July 23, 2020. He began quarantining in his room that same day. His symptoms got worse rapidly. He had diabetes, and the nurse said it was the worst case of COVID-19 she had seen. They told him to quarantine, rest, and take a lot of medicine, and that’s exactly what he did. On July 28, 2020 Yadira’s family went to check on dad and noticed he wasn’t responding. They began to panic and called 911 right away. Once the ambulance arrived they did CPR, but he still wasn’t responding. He was pronounced dead at 2:42 p.m.

   “All I heard was my sister yell that my dad wasn’t breathing and that he was not waking up,” Yadira said. “I got so scared and ran to check on him.”

   It was quick and unexpected. It was devastating. Yadira watched as COVID-19 symptoms slowly made her dad worse and worse. His labored breathing. His ghost white face. His withered body. That picture haunts her until this day. 

   “I still remember walking past my parents’ room and seeing my dad having trouble breathing, while my mom did her best to take care of him,” Yadira said

   As the ambulance took her dad to the hospital, Yadira felt helpless. All she could do was wait until her mom came home for news. 

   “It felt like an eternity waiting for my mom to come home and tell me something about my dad,” Yadira said.

   Yadira’s mom finally came home and called Yadira to the living room. She reached for Yadira’s hand and with a shaky voice, told her that her dad didn’t make it.

   “My heart sank. I was in complete shock,” Yadira said.

   Not only did this affect Yadira mentally, it affected her physically. She didn’t feel like eating, and she slept most of the time.

   “I lost all motivation to do anything,” Yadira said.

   Family members came down and showed support for Yadira’s family. Her friends were also there for them and helped her through a lot.

   “I’m so thankful that all my family was around me to help me through this painful time,” Yadira said.                                                                                                    

    Soon after school started, Yadira was depressed. She was not ready. Her grades were low this year. She wasn’t trying as hard as she used to before. 

    “ I didn’t care about school or grades or anything, I pretty much gave up,” Yadira said.

    The funeral for Yadira’s dad  was in Mexico. Her dad always wanted to be buried in Mexico with all his family, and she had to miss a week of school.

      “I was so behind with my school schoolwork,” Yadira said.

      Yadira was really happy she made the long trip to Mexico. It was a really emotional event, and she will never forget it. It gave her closure. Knowing her dad is in a better place and resting in peace makes Yadira happy.     

   “The whole week we were there it was raining, but while we were taking my dad to his burial, the sun was shining. That’s how we knew he was at peace,” Yadira said.

        Her dad was healthy. She still can’t believe Covid-19 took someone so special to her..He motivated Yadira to do her best.

       “He wanted so hard to make his family happy and he pushed me to do the best I could,” Yadira said.

        It still hurts Yadira but she understands that it was his time. She will always carry memories of her dad with her. And she knows he will always be with her.

       “My dad might not be with me physically, but he will always be in my heart.  I’m so grateful I got to call Juan Carlos Angeles my dad.”