Students participate in Hour of Code
December 19, 2018
Hour of Code, a coding program SISD does every year, took place December 12, at the high school during the action period.
“Hour of Code is celebrated during Computer Science Education Week, and it’s where all ages young and old can stop what they’re doing and just kind of jump into a coding activity.”said Mrs. Etters, one of the technology teachers who runs Hour of Code. “It’s basically just a show that anybody can code. It’s not like this foreign language necessarily. We all use the technology, and this allows us to see how it’s created.”
Etters took fifty-four students on December 6 to Hook Elementary, the third and fourth grade campus, for the first half of the school day to teach the kids about what coding is and to show them how to code.
“The kids had so much fun when we went there,” Maezi Alford, a junior in Etters’ first period coding class, said. “The excitement that they had was contagious, which made us high schoolers even more excited to help out.”
“I’ve always kind of enjoyed it just have been fascinated with computers from young age. Being able to see how to create something in in our class we create web pages,create games, and apps especially that all of all of us use every day,” Etters said. “It’s important to me to get that out in the hands of other people to see this is the mindset to create something like that you need a lot of logical thought and creativity to come up with something. You could make the next app literally if you just have the know how in the knowledge of of how to create that.”
Technology is all around us, we use it everyday whether it’s cell phones or computers. Etters highly recommends that other school districts should start participating in Hour of Code.
“Absolutely yes, I mean this is something that we need to get in every school. It should be no different than taking a science class or math class because technology is all around us, and we need to know how it works. I mean if you’re if you’re working a register at McDonald’s, you still need to have a little bit of computer knowledge in this day and time. Yes at every district everywhere every age anybody can do”
The big question that is asked: which students like hour of code more? The younger ones at Hook, or the older ones at the high school?
“When we went to the elementary school last week that kind of gave us a good transition to try it, hour of code. It was nice when I got when we got back on campus that we would do the same thing next week except the kids are not as excited.” Etters said. “I mean there is an element that like the 3rd and 4th grades are very eager to try it out, and the high school kids are little more reluctant but the truth is the high school kids use technology more than 3rd and 4th graders. So we needed to know even more how the elementary school kids to know how it, coding, works and how to create something of our own.”

High school students show off their coding skills Dec 12, 2018 during the National Hour Of Code