Enchanted forest casts a spell over everyone as Prom 2017 begins

Reiken Douglas and Shelby Hargrove are crowned royalty for the night.
April 12, 2017
Drop lights shimmer from the trees as the white, horse-drawn carriage pulls up with a smartly dressed couple inside. The line for the carriage ride extends all the way back to the patio which is lined with white, petal draped tables that exhibit tall glass cylinders filled with lights and a green fern on top. Inside the building are more of the same tables with cylinder decorations, a selfie booth, and the D.J. station on center stage in center front. A kaleidoscope of colored dresses grace the grounds as they floated across the floor. This is Prom 2017 Enchanted Forest.
Prom commenced at The N Hardway Ranch on April 1, 2017 from 8:00-12:00. Royalty for the prom was crowned. Prom King and Queen are Reiken Douglas and Shelby Hargrove. Prom Prince and Princess are Easton Jones and Karsyn Kimbrough.

Prom mom coordinators Carrie Baughn and Carie Decker produced the prom and oversaw the decorations and all committees. School class sponsors in charge of collecting class dues and attending and chaperoning the sponsored events for the class of 2017 are Vickie Amos, Nancy Bullard, Steven Rains, and Jeffrey Birchfield. School faculty in attendance and helping and chaperoning the prom included Stephanie Traweek, Victor Sauceda, Rachel Carter, Nancy Wisener, Melanie Payne, and Kristi Adams. Volunteer staff checking students into prom included Amanda Harris, Kristol Carter, and Rains. Class of 2017 parents volunteered to carry out various duties such as valet parking, obtaining flowers and decorations, preparing food, setting up tents, checking students into prom, chaperoning, taking pictures and much more. Matthew Etters announced the students as they arrived at prom.
Mrs. Stephanie Traweek, school principal attended prom and was very appreciative of all the hard work put into the prom by the parents and sponsors.
“The Stephenville High School Prom of 2017 “Enchanted Forest” was a huge success. The parents and sponsors did an amazing job creating such a beautiful evening for all who attended. Our students looked amazing and everyone had a great time,” said Traweek!
Students danced the night away to new and old songs by DJ’s Amauri Martinez and Raul Navarro. Martinez even created a little impromptu dancing to the oldies for the sponsors, staff, and parents cleaning up later that night.
When asked what their favorite thing about prom was this year, students gave varied replies.
“I loved the theme of the prom. It was beautiful and exciting–exactly what I had hoped for. My senior prom was my first, and it was amazing,” said Zoe Breeding, senior!
“I think one of my favorite parts about prom was simply hanging out with my friends and pretending we were celebrities for one night,” said Keith Ray, senior.
The school principal loved the outdoor activity best.
“One of my favorite things about prom this year was the addition of a horse drawn carriage. The students enjoyed a carriage ride under the lights,” said Traweek.
Click the link below to view pictures from the prom: